Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blessed beyond measure.

I love this apartment. I love the ladies that I live with and the community that I've already been molded into. I love the Salt Company and my Connection Group even after meeting there only once, and I love all of the women that are in my group. I love Iowa State and Ames, Iowa. I love whatever it is that God may be doing. And I am stoked to continually give up control.

I hope and pray that being here will bring me closer and closer to my Creator. In the trials and situations gone awry, I hope and pray that I will find joy. This joy does not mean that I shouldn't feel pain or that I can't cry over being hurt. No, this joy means that I can look up to the sky and declare the goodness of the Lord for His eternal hope that He so graciously gave me. I hope and pray that I look to Him in all circumstances, with thanksgiving in all things. I hope and pray that He will continue to humble me, assuring me that I am being shaped into His image.

Day by day I am becoming more like His Son. He is the Potter and I am the clay; He is molding me. Each morning, His mercy is made new. I am covered by His grace every single time that I wake up. I am made new; He is making me new. Whatever has happened is gone when the sun sets, and a new day is coming - the sun is rising. I am restored and redeemed.

I am growing.

I am learning.

I am being renewed.

Above all...

I am blessed.

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