Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wonderfully mind-boggled.

You know those times where something hits you like a bus, and you may be doing something seemingly trivial, but all of a sudden you are floored because it is just that extraordinary?

Well, that just happened. Whilst pondering on what I learned at connection group, over-thinking on my German homework, social media-ing, reading articles, and sitting on my couch. It's getting real late, but I am kind of awake. And it all hit me. Again.

God is incredible and beyond me.
He gives me gifts that I do not deserve.
He surrounds me with those that love me.
Most of all, He chooses to love me.
And He continually showers me with His grace.

Jesus extends to me kindness through strangers.
He blows my mind with the stars that are in the night sky.
Because of Him, the sun rises in its glory each day.
I am found in He who created me; my identity rests in Him.
And He surrounds me with Himself, giving me peace.

No matter what, the Lord is there for me always.
When I run away from Him, He waits.
He is patient with me in my ignorance.
He gives me joy in His presence.
And one day I will see His marvelous face.

Now I see small glimpses of Himself, but one day I will see Him, in all of His splendor and might. And on that day I will be filled with the greatest joy that I have experienced since the day that He first called me His child. For I am forever His and He is forever mine.

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