Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Come together.

Fellowship. I have come to realize how important that it truly is. There is something so distinct about God's people joining together, so alive and vulnerable, to worship Him as one body. It just draws me in. I miss the fire - I miss that burning flame. As most of you know, I am very much a people person. I love being around people, talking with people, laughing with people... I am definitely an extrovert in the way that I feed off of other's energy and emotions. I fall in love with the passion that they have, even more so when it's the same as mine. As of the time that I got back from my first little excursion to Iowa, whenever I have been at home, I have been cooped up in my house by myself. And let me tell you, it has driven me absolutely insane - straight up the wazoo, especially because everyone is gone and I do not have a car. I don't see how some people do it; I couldn't after these next three months. But the truth is, I am lacking some extremely vital things: accountability, encouragement, and time spent with those that are at the same level as me in life.

I am just saying that we need all need community, no matter who we are. We absolutely must listen to Hebrews 10:24-25. A few months ago, the senior pastor at my home church told a story about a man that had stopped going to his church. His pastor had stopped by his abode to check on him, just to see how he was doing. The man had a fire going just before the pastor came by, because it had been awfully chilly that day. They were talking for quite some time, the pastor asking the man why he hadn't been going to church. All of a sudden he took a pair of tongs and picked out a coal from the fireplace, the man bewildered and perplexed. It took a while, but eventually the coal burnt out because it was left on its own, away from the flame. He then proceeded to tell him that he was that coal, and the rest of the fire needed him and he needed them just the same. How true is that? If we stop talking to, being around, or anything involving lack of interaction with people, our fire for God burns out and the rest of the body can feel it because they just know that something, or someone, is missing. Before you go any further, read 1 Corinthians 12:14-26 and you will see what I mean.

We are meant for community. We are not called to be separated from each other. Time and time again we are told how important the body is, and that we are united as one in Christ Jesus. The Lord wants us to be together, so why would be push ourselves away? We are the church - we are the body of Jesus, meant to come as one and be with God. And together we will worship Him for all of eternity. Just don't give up.

"If one member suffers, all suffer together;
if one member is honored, all rejoice together."
1 Corinthians 12:26

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