Tuesday, April 2, 2013


"Just take things easy and don't stress." That's what I have to tell myself all of the time. You see, I have a big problem with over-exhorting myself to the point of utter exhaustion and sometimes even getting sick. There are times that I just get so overwhelmed that I do not want to do a single thing. I may not be physically doing a lot all of the time, but sometimes just thinking of the list of things for me to do makes me want to curl into a ball and sleep, or just lay there and make them all go away. Like now. I have two tests to take today and I'm actually sick and extremely exhausted because sometimes I'm really stupid to my body. I am what you would call a Martha. (Read Luke 10:38-42 and you'll understand what I mean.) I also am still learning how to say no.

Why is it so hard to just sit still sometimes? Why is rest so difficult for?

Well, one thing is this: College students love to stay up late. The night life is strongly encouraged. Don't get me wrong, I love to stay up and hang out or have late-night conversations, but not every night. It weighs on my body in ways that aren't so great. Also, there's a verse from Psalm 127: 2 that was shown to me last year, and it was very convicting: "It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to His beloved sleep." There's something to chew on.

Rest within my Savior has also been difficult to find; by that I mean time spent in prayer and in His Word. Something changes drastically in my life if I find myself not spending much, if not any, time with God. If we look at Jesus' example, He would go to be alone just to talk with His Father. We can, and should, do the same. Jesus wants us to come to Him, finding rest in Him. (Read Matthew 11:25-29.)

Another reason has been all of the things being thrown at me over the last few months. Actually, this whole year. Sometimes I just find myself paralyzed, not knowing what to do with myself because so much has come my way. But those times I just need to take a step back, figure out what to do, act upon it, then move on, putting it to rest. Matthew 11:25-29 fits perfectly here as well.

This week, I want to take a week of rest. By rest I mean not doing as much with other people (at least not super late), spending time by myself and with the One that created me, and going to bed at a decent time. Afterall, rest, both physically and mentally, is extremely important. If you're in the same situation as me, or similar to me, I suggest you do the same this week. It'll be so worth it!

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